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Community Registration

Farmington Community Baseball 2025 Player Registration

Registration is now open for K - 12th Grade!

Questions? Email:

Each player will need to provide their own batting helmet and glove.

2025 Farmington Community Baseball Registration

Registration is open now until March 21st!

Click here to register

2025 Fee and Practice/Game Schedule

Grade(2024-25) School Year) Practices & Games Fee Late Registration Fee (After March 21st)
Kindergarten Tues/Thurs $130 Fee + $30 = $160
1st Mon/Wed $130 Fee + $30 = $160
2nd Tues/Thurs $150 Fee + $30 = $180
3rd Tues/Thurs $180 Fee + $30 = $210
4th/5th Mon/Wed $180 Fee + $30 = $210
6th/7th/8th Mon/Wed $180 Fee + $30 = $210
9th/10th/11th/12th (Big Cats) Wed/Games on Sundays $195 Fee + $30 = $225


Coaches' applications for the 2025 season are online again this year! Coaches will need to complete the online application and background check. Coaches chosen for the 2025 season will be notified in April and will be required to attend any scheduled mandatory coaches clinics, planning events and will need to complete an online concussion awareness training.

Coaches Registration  click here


There will be a volunteer fee of $500 per player for the 2025 baseball season with an option of a $300 per player buyout if you choose not to volunteer.  If you complete your volunteer requirement, your check will be destroyed.  The volunteer requirement is 5 credits (approx.  5 hours) per player (travel and community) and will be tracked through the dibs system. A check will be required for each registered player. Your check will be cashed if your volunteer hours are not completed by the end of the season in October.

Some key points regarding the volunteer system:

  • Any posted volunteer slot is open to any Farmington Baseball Association family
  • You do not have to volunteer at an event you have a player participating in
  • To claim a spot-you must be logged in using the same user ID you used to register your player
  • Coaching in either program fulfills all volunteer requirements for your family, regardless of the number of players.
  • Coaches and Managers will be given manual credit and will not show on the system yet.

Farmington Volunteer Opportunities:

For more information visit our Volunteer page

Practice and Game Times

Please refer to your coaches on practice start and end times. Practices typically start around 6 pm. Games will start at 6:15 pm. It is up to the coaches to decide what time arrival is necessary for warm-ups prior to games.

Travel Baseball

Please do not register your child if he/she is trying out for the Travel Baseball Program (9-15 years old). Once the travel program rosters are set, instructions will be given to any family wishing to still participate in the Community program and players migrating from travel tryouts will be guaranteed acceptance.  Additional information about Travel Baseball can be found on the Travel tab of this website.